Hi! I would like to know if there is a way to “hide” my URL which is a web app from a Google Script. I understand that it’s not an API itself (maybe I’m wrong, I’m newbie). I use the URL in my frontend code to submit the data for a “contact me” form, and with my google script code, it stores the data in a google spreadsheet. In the JS code I just do a fetch using the URL and a POST with the user typed form data.
The URL provided by Google is: https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxn-JeF5GyfN12bgBJKt0U1C24s2nqULcw_5OIC9Ff7LGrd_1PWnyCjZEREGXj-wqd3/exec
Using KOR, if I click on “Connect API”, I don’t know what to put in “Header Name” and “API Key”, because simply fetch the above URL and everything works.
I hope I was able to explain myself, thanks in advance.